Well I only had one
finish from my Finish Along
list for the third quarter. However I did make quite a bit of progress on other projects which I am very pleased about.
Hopefully that means that I will finish lots of projects during this final quarter!
As Christmas is in two months my list is long. Because I need to finish lots of Christmas gifts. And a few birthday gifts too. So, here is my list:
1. Two quilt-as-you-go cushion covers. I'll keep one and gift one. This was my first attempt at the quilt-as-you-go method and I really enjoyed it. The block on the left took about an hour to sew. The one on the right took at least double that time. I ended up covering up some fabrics where I had to redo a couple of spots. Both used up a lot of thread, but that's no surprise. Which one is your favourite?
2. A quilt that my niece started about a year ago. She graduates from high school in a few weeks and is in the midst of exams. As my niece doesn't have any time for sewing right now, I thought it would be nice to finish it in time for her birthday. I enlisted the help of my sister to secret squirrel it over to my house. I have a lot of trimming to do before these blocks can be sewn into a top.
3. This quilt top is ready for quilting. A very simple strip quilt, this one is destined to be gifted to one of Zoe's school teachers.
4. Lily's improv cushion cover is quilted. A quick trim and then I can whip up a zippered back for it. And then do Zoe's. Thankfully I have finished Eli's! Have I even blogged about that?
5. My Trip Around the World quilt is still on the list. And will probably be the last thing finished. But I have made more blocks.
6. The ugly quilt has been allocated a backing - red minky - and is ready for basting. I am going to try sewing with minky for the first time. It feels really slippery, so I think I'll limit the quilting to straight lines.
I told you it was ugly! |
7. My second 'Scrappers Delight'. My first one was gifted and well received, but I am now tired of seeing this. I think I will pass this on to someone else to finish if I don't get this quilt done by the end of the year.
8. Lily's Star Wars quilt has grown. I now have some more blocks, but am a long way to finishing it. A really long way. I would really like to have this finished by Christmas. This project is the biggest on the list and the most time consuming.
9. One of the teachers at my children's school asked if I would make her daughter a Disney quilt. After collecting fabrics I need to start putting something together. I have a rough design in my head, but haven't even so much as cut anything yet. This one needs to be done within the next few weeks. Yikes!
10. I'm adding this one to the list because it has been hanging around looking messy. It's just a scrappy boxy pouch which already has it's handle sewn. I actually have another of these cut out that I didn't bother photographing. But I'm not including that in my list. It will have to wait.
11. I have been making sunglasses cases using these fabulous little spring strips (or flex frames). They are 4" (10cm) long and I purchased them from an
etsy store. I tried
this tutorial, as well as
this one. I like both of them! I now have about 20 sunglasses cases to make for Christmas gifts.
12. And there's this one. A 'table tent' that I plan on making for Eli as a Christmas gift. I had a quick look for the fabric - bought last year from Ikea - but a quick look was not fruitful. I sorted and reorganised all my fabric some months ago and remember seeing it, but my new 'spot' for it eludes me right now.
So, an even dozen on my list. Wish me luck. And the ability to function without sleep!
Editor's Note: I have found the Ikea fabric for the play tent. Thank goodness!