Tuesday 7 July 2015

pineapple block {tutorial}

Once a week Zoe has a cello lesson. It begins before school and finishes about ten minutes after I exit Eli's classroom. Rather than leave Zoe's cello at school all day and then fit it in the car along with all the school bags, box constructions and precious tree branches that absolutely have to come home with us at the end of the day I wait around and take it home with me in the morning.

I like waiting around for Zoe's cello. I sit under a tree and do a bit of doodling. Quilt block doodling.

This pineapple grew from a bit of doodling. Isn't it sweet? Or is that pun making you groan?
Pineapple block design in progress.
At 17" (43cm) square it is a big block, but I decided that I didn't want those half square triangles any smaller. I wanted this block to be easy and quick to put together.

If it isn't too big for the other members, I think I'd like to use it as my bee block later in the year.

So, let me show you how to sew it up.

Fabric Requirements

Orange - 1 @ 6.5" x 8"

Green - 1 @ 3.5" x 5"
8 @ 2" squares

Background - 14 @ 2.0" x 2.0"
 2 @ 6.5" x 2.0"
2 @ 5.75" x 17"
**if you do not want your pineapple to be centred on the block, substitute the 2 @ 5.75" x 17" for 1 @ 2.75" x 17" and 1 @ 8.75" x 17" for an off centre pineapple.

Sewing the Block

Before you go near the sewing machine, draw a diagonal line across the middle of each of the 2" background squares.

  1. 'Snowball' the orange rectangle (6.5" x 8") by placing a square in one of the corners. Sew on the diagonal line. Repeat for the three remaining corners.
2. Trim 1/4" from each sewn line.
3. Press corners open. This is the pineapple base.
4. Pair a 2" background square with a green 2" square, right sides together. Sew on the diagonal line. Do this seven more times for a total of 8 pairs of background/green squares.
5. Trim 1/4" away from the sewn line. Use the triangle shaped trimmings in another project!
6. Press/iron open.
7. Using a 1/4" seam, sew six of the half square triangle blocks together as shown below:
8. Using a 1/4" seam, sew a half square triangle unit to each of the long sides of the green 3.5" x 5" rectangle as shown.
9. Using a 1/4" seam, sew the remaining two HST's (half square triangles) together as shown below. Press/iron centre seam open. This will reduce bulk when sewing this unit to the rest of the pineapple top.
10. Using a 1/4" seam, sew a 2" background square to either side of the joined HST's. Press/iron open.
11. Using a 1/4" seam, sew the small HST unit to the larger unit.
12. Carefully trim away the half of the seam allowance where the three seams meet (at the point of the triangle) to reduce bulk. If this step doesn't make sense, it is quite okay to skip it!

13. Press/iron open. This is the pineapple top.
14. Using a 1/4" seam, sew the pineapple top to the pineapple base. Press/iron open.
15. Using a 1/4" seam, sew a 6.5" x 2.0" background rectangle to the top and bottom of the pineapple. Press/iron open.

16. Using a 1/4" seam allowance, sew a 5.75" x 17" background rectangle to either side of the pineapple. Press/iron open.
And you are done!

So, do you like pineapple? Do you put it in your tuna mornay or your home made burgers? We do!

Update: A lovely friend made me three pineapple blocks! I know I should have ironed them first, but I was too excited.


  1. Hi Jeneta - wow I wish my doodling time was half as clever as yours! The block looks great & you've taken very helpful pics for those following your lesson.

  2. I love fresh pineapple! Never thought of putting it on burgers. Might have to try that. Is it a pineapple salsa with other things or just fresh pineapple? Favorite of a few here is Canadian bacon (like ham) and Pineapple on pizza. Thanks for the tutorial. Janita

  3. You are so bright! I am putting this sweet block on my Pinterest board and hope to try it someday.

  4. Great Tutorial!
    Love pineapple. Esp a fritter in a hamburger!
    And upside down cake. And fresh . . . and . . . in cocktails!


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