Saturday 2 May 2015

my new pouch {courtesy of anthea!}

My friend Anthea who blogs at Hibiscus Stitches  recently hosted a birthday giveaway. Isn't that nice? It was Anthea's birthday and she is giving gifts to others! Actually, as she missed the date of her birthday, Anthea decided to call it an un-birthday giveaway.

Well, I was one of the lucky recipients and received a very lovely parcel in the mail.
Anthea's pouch is absolutely beautiful. I adore it. I have decided that it will hold a hand sewing project (possibly a hexagon project -  I've not made anything with hexagons before), as it is the perfect size (not too big, not too small) and will make me look good. In fact, I think I could carry my pouch around without anything in it at all and impress my friends!
Would you believe that my retractable measuring literally just broke when lo and behold! Anthea sent me another one!
Inside. Yes, that's a pocket! And sewing treats!!
I love everything about Anthea's pouch, particularly the zipper end. My zipper ends never look this neat.
This a photo of some of the WA Bloggers that was taken (by Tracy) some months ago when we spent the morning together (at a couple of fabric stores and then lunch!). These girls are just lovely - I am delighted to have met them all in person and look forward to our next get together.

I'm not sure if I've posted a photo of myself before. Do you want to guess which one is me, or shall I tell you? I think I'll let you guess!
Anthea is fifth from the left.
Oh, and if you have a question about anything quilting or sewing related, just ask Julia. She will know the answer!


  1. Hmmm . . . . I was hoping not to be the first "commenter" so that I could read what others think about your placement at the table!
    Absolutely none of you gals look tired enough to have 4 kiddies! Also, none of these ladies have eyes in the backs of their heads . . which is soooo essential for a Mum.
    I give up!
    It must have been a fun day.

    Yes, that Zipper end is impressive!

  2. love the pouch... will be used well methinks... great you all got together.... nope... need tags as there are a few I don't know....


  3. Well, seeing as I know which one you are, I better not spoilt the fun for everyone else!! What a lovely little pouch, lucky you!!

  4. HI Jeneta - glad you like it all - thanks for being part of the fun - I'll be in touch about the Craft Fair soon.

  5. Hi Jeneta,
    What a lucky girl you are, great gifts from Anthea.

  6. Very sweet little pouch. There is nothing better than getting some sweetness in the mail. You are a stinker for making us guess your presence :) . Nice that you could gather with friends.

  7. That is a cute pouch! Thank you so much for visiting sisterview and good luck with the Sew Mama Sew giveaways!

  8. What a lovely parcel to recieve with great pouch and fabulous gifts!! Your get together looks fun. It's so funny your making us guess which is you,, wont you please tell us :)

  9. A lovely group of ladies! Zipper pouches are so useful. Enjoy your wonderful parcel from Anthea :)


  10. Hi Jeneta, great meeting you today at the Craft and Quilt Show. I am also the lucky receiver of one of Anthea's gorgeous pouches, she surprised me with one today for my birthday next week.

  11. Hi Jeneta! Lovely to meet you yesterday - albeit very briefly....
    Looking forward to the next time everyone gets together

  12. How cool to actually meet local bloggers, looks like a fun group! I could not guess what you look like, but I think Salley is a hoot...


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