Saturday 27 December 2014

quilt as you go cushions {a finish}

Do you remember these two quilted cushion tops? They were the first items on my Finish Along list for the final quarter of the year.
Finish Along 2014
 They are now finished and in use!
I gifted the one on the left to a dear friend of mine and kept the one on the right.  I was absolutely delighted when she told me she loves it. Such a good feeling!
 I used a grey fabric on the back (Flurry by Dashwood Studio) to complement the Vintage Modern fronts. I used jelly roll strips for both cushions, though next time I think I'll use up some of my stash strips and strings.
 Before making these cushions I had wanted to try the quilt-as-you-go method for quite some time. There are a lot of great tutorials online (and I have read quite a few of them!), but I chose to use Let's Eat Grandpa's tutorial for my cushions.

I enjoyed making these cushions so much that I made another using bright, rainbow colours for Jed to gift to a lady that used to teach him at church.
Bright isnt it!

I think I have a few more quilt-as-you-go cushions to make and then I would love to progress to a quilt. It's wonderful to see my creation grow with each strip that is added.

Have you tried the quilt-as-you-go method?


  1. Yes it is very bright but oh my goodness it is gorgeous. Of course your friend loved that lovely cushion....who wouldn't! Yes, I love quilt as you go; it is such a fun method to make quilts, cushions etc. Hope you have a wonderful new year, Jeneta.....enjoy the holidays with your lovely family!


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