Thursday 10 July 2014

surprise mail

 I had some lovely mail arrive recently. I was very fortunate to win a set of Aurifil threads in a random drawing as part of the Blogger's Quilt Festival recently hosted by Amy's Creative Side. I had totally forgotten about them, so it was a complete surprise when they arrived. Packages are always very exciting.
After posting my 2.5" squares to my allocated Confetti Swap partners I received 5 squishy envelopes in return. Squishy envelopes are just as exciting as packages.
Australia Post has released a lovely new stamp booklet containing the floral emblems of each Australian state.
 I love self adhesive stamps and always carry a booklet with me in my wallet. When I was a girl I remember licking the backs of stamps before sticking them on the envelope. I also remember having lots of sticker books like that too, except they tasted a lot better than the postage stamps (they reminded me of the taste of root beer actually!). Is this how stamps are presented in other countries? Self adhesive stamps in booklets? Just curious.
I also received an extremely unexpected envelope containing these.
Bee blocks. From the Rainbow Bee that I finished a year and a half ago. I didn't receive two of the blocks (though another Bee member kindly made an extra two so I wasn't short) until now!
What's curious is that the stamp isn't postmarked.
 It would have been interesting to know when these blocks were posted so I had an idea of how long their journey had taken. They came from Queensland - on the other side of the country, but I think a year and a half is still beyond the time needed to travel that far. The only clue I have as to when they were posted is the value of the stamp. The cost increased to $1.40 earlier this year.

You are probably thinking that I could just ask the sender. It would also be nice to thank her. Alas! She doesn't appear to be active on Facebook any more.

So, have you had any exciting mail lately? The kind of mail that immediately makes you smile?


  1. Hi Jeneta that bee parcel sure would have an interesting story to tell,how funny.,love the 2 1/2" squares,hope you have a lovely evening.xx

  2. Great mail there. Now you have me I treed as to where your blocks came from or how long they have taken to get there. As for mail for me, huge parcel of Tula Pink was delivered today and I may have spend way to much time patting it! Lol

  3. Ooooh....lots of lovely mail, you lucky girl. That envelope is curious isn't it.....I wonder what tales it has to tell. I love your 2.5" the sweet fabric with the footrest peeking out. I bought oodles of 2.5" 1930's charm packs fingers are itching to stitch them.

  4. Oh lots of lovely mail there Jeneta... including the mysterious Qld envelope... best mail i got lately was the last pay slip i'll be getting for a few months now... great pay but it's ending!

  5. What fun , fabulous and mysterious mail you have been receiving!! Lucky you winning a set of aurifil thread!! I bet it was fun going through your squares and seeing all the different fabrics that had been sent to you.

  6. Your 2 1/2 inch "Confettis" are always so much fun to trawl through . . .I wonder what you have been swing with them as I carefully go through them.
    Hope the ones you receive show just as much care in the cutting and posting!
    Fancy such a late parcel! Obviously it had some R&R on a tropical beach perhaps, before working out where you live!


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