Wednesday 16 April 2014


This morning we walked to a playground a couple of streets away from our house. We were meeting a family that have moved back to Perth after spending a few years overseas. Ten minutes before we were due to head out the door I asked everyone to go to the toilet and put their shoes on.
These are the shoes that Eli put on. Tinkerbell shoes from the dress up box.
Note to self: be much more specific when giving instructions to a four year old.


  1. Lol that's so funny and cute,lol.xx

  2. Lol!! This is so funny! I laughed out loud and then had to show my work colleagues. We all think Eli has great taste in shoes!!

  3. Priceless! Keep that one for the 21st!

  4. Hahaha, I hope you let him wear them!!! :-)

  5. Oh, how cute!! The workings of the mind of a four year old. Perhaps he thought that Peter Pan might be waiting at the playground!!

  6. Oh I love them.... I would definitely wear those out too!! Beautiful!!!


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