Saturday 12 April 2014

finish along - 2nd quarter

Finish Along 2014
I had a very ambitious list of projects to complete during the first quarter of the finish along hosted by Katy of The Littlest Thistle. And I only completed one!
I finished the London cushion that I blogged about here and presented it to my brother in law and his wife before they returned to the UK.

And that was it as far as my planned list was concerned. I found myself busy with other things, not many of which were crafty.

So here is my list for the second quarter of the finish along. I have decided to be slightly less ambitious (i.e. more realistic!).

  1. I'm hanging in there with this scrappy quilt top. I ordered some batting so this top can now be basted, quilted, bound and put in the boot of the car.

2.   My Kate Spain 'Cuzco' Scrappers Delight quilt top. The top is two thirds finished.
3.   Another blue, green and purple 'Scrappers Delight' that I blogged about here. The blocks need to be trimmed and then sewn together.
4.    My scrappy trip along quilt. I've been slowly plodding away on this one. And I want it finished so that I can start a new quilt!

5.   This little pile of 'Mabel' monkey. I have made two of these but never got around to completing the third. Unfortunately I just used the last of my stuffing to make a large pillow form, so we'll see how that goes.

I am hopeful!


  1. This looks like a good list of goals. I love the fabrics you used in the purple/blue scrappers delight and the cushion came out great.

  2. We're coming into perfect sewing weather now so you've got that on your side as you finish all these great projects. I love your scrappers and little Mabel is so cute you just have to finish her!

  3. Loving all those scrappy projects, Jeneta. they are all so colourful and alive with pattern. Love, love Mabel, too too cute!!

  4. Hang in holidays coming up and oodles of time to sew (hehehe)
    Mabel looks a bit naked....finish her first! Its getting chilly.


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