Friday 17 January 2014

drop and give me twenty 2014

February 1-28, 2014 

In addition to participating in Katy's Finish Along 2014 I am also committing to Beth's Drop and Give Me Twenty for the month of February. Because I am clever.

By quilting for twenty minutes each day for Drop and Give Me Twenty I will be able to finish off my projects for the first quarter of the Finish Along. Or at least some of them. One of them. I'll take any project finish because I'd like to start a humungous quilt for me.

I participated last year and loved every second of it. Beth is hilarious fantastic. Do yourself a favour and meet her.

So, here is my official commitment:

I, Jeneta, am joining Quilting Hottie Haven's third annual DaGMT event, and pledge to quilt for at least 20 minutes every day of the month of February, 2014. In doing so I hope to finish my current projects so that I can start some more and I think Beth Helfter is brilliant for coming up with this concept and inspiring me to join.

So, who wants to join me?


  1. Good for you, the 20 minutes a day links in perfectly with the finish along, you'll get heap done!!

  2. Yay! So glad to have you along again and I am counting the days til February and SCHOOL for you! As I know you do for me in September. :)

  3. ....and you are sooooo clever, Jeneta!! What a wonderful are commited now; 'tis down in writing!! I am looking forward to reading about your humungous quilt exploits!!

  4. Looking forward to following along with you and watching your progress. And although I totally forgot to mention how awesome Beth is in my blog (oops!), I do agree with you :).

  5. Always good to have a plan!
    You go girl.... Will cheer you on from the sidelines!

  6. Me too! I'm joining too. It's so true whatever you finish just brings you closer to being able to start something new for you. (What are you planning to make for you?)

  7. Me as well .. .already signed up ... getting ready for Saturday !

  8. Great plan to combine both projects! This will be my first DAGMT and I hope to get a lot of stuff finished.

  9. This is my first DaGMT I hope you don't mind me following along on your blog. I'm new at bloging, but not at quilting, I am currently working on Bonnie Hunters' Celtic Solstice Mystery I have all the little blocks made now to put them together.


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