Sunday 24 November 2013

It's Coming!

Since participating in a scrap vomit confetti swap, Eli has been constantly asking for a quilt to be made for him. I haven't told him yet, but I have secretly been putting one together.

It's nearly done. And just in time too - it's his birthday on Monday!


  1. Love Eli's 'confetti' quilt!! He will love it!! He will have the best birthday with this gorgeous quilt to hug!! Funnily enough, it is my daughter's birthday as well on Monday!!

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! He will be delighted :-)

  3. How exciting! That is so flippin' cute!!!

  4. Oh it's Monday today, I hope you managed to get it finished. Eli is going to love it so much. There's so many cute fabrics.

  5. Hello my Little DARLINGS!! Have fun with Eli!


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