Thursday 26 September 2013

Chocolate Squares Recipe {Thermomix and Conventional}

A few weeks ago the junior football season ended. I was ready for the end. It is a long season and any longer would have just been too long. So the end was perfect timing! Jed enjoys his football and belongs to a great team with a fantastic coach (who writes an entertaining game summary on the football club blog!). Tim and I share the manager role for Jed's team. Each week during the season I made a batch of chocolate squares for the team's after game celebrations. Even though no scoring is undertaken in this age group there are always celebrations!

These delicious chocolate squares (not quite a brownie and not quite cake!) were a big hit, so (with the permission of my lovely friend who shared the recipe with me in the first place) I am sharing the joy!

I have tweaked the original recipe just a little. If you have a Thermomix this is a one jug recipe. If you don't, it doesn't matter! This recipe is very, very simple and very, very bad; you'll be making these often and I will tell you now that they are not healthy! But they are so delicious!!

Here it is - first the conventional recipe and then adapted for the Thermomix:

Chocolate Squares

Makes 15 large sized chocolate squares


·      175g (6 oz) butter

·      60g (3/4 cup) cocoa

·      4 eggs

·      325g (1 ½ cups) granulated sugar

·      160g (1 cup) plain flour

·      squirt (1 tsp) vanilla essence

·      250g (1 – 1 ½ cups) choc bits


1.          Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit) - fan forced (170 degrees
        Celsius/340 F if not fan forced).

2.         Grease and line a large lamington tray (roasting pan) – 33cm (13“) x 23cm (9”)

3.          Melt butter and cocoa powder in a saucepan. Turn off heat and allow to cool a little.

4.         In a mixing bowl and using an electric beater, beat eggs and sugar together for 3 – 4 minutes

5.         Add cocoa mix to egg and sugar mixture and continue mixing.

6.         Gradually add flour and vanilla essence while still mixing.

7.          Pour into greased and lined tray (mixture is fairly runny!).

8.         Sprinkle chocolate bits over the entire top.

9.         Bake in oven for approximately 20 minutes (or until mixture doesn’t ‘wobble’ hugely in the 
        centre of the tray. A little movement or 'softness' is what you want!). My oven is hot so I

10.    Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing from the tray.

11.     Dust with icing sugar and cut into squares or rectangles.

Note: Do not overcook! Remove from the oven when it looks slightly undercooked. 

Double the quantity while you’re at it and share them with every person you know – this recipe works just as well with twice as much!

This is how I line my tray after greasing it (which means spraying for me!). Lining two sides is easier than lining four!
Make sure that the sides of the pan that are not lined are well greased. When cooled, slide a knife down these edges before removing from pan.

Thermomix Chocolate Squares

Makes 15 large sized chocolate squares


·      175g (6 oz) butter

·      60g (3/4 cup) cocoa

·      4 eggs

·      325g (1 ½ cups) granulated sugar

·      160g (1 cup) plain flour

·      squirt (1 tsp) vanilla essence

·      250g (1 – 1 ½ cups) choc bits


1.          Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit) - fan forced (170 degrees
        Celsius/340 F if not fan forced).

2.         Grease and line a large lamington tray (roasting pan) – 33cm (13“) x 23cm (9”)

3.          Place butter and cocoa powder in jug. Heat for 4 min, 60 C, speed 3.

4.         Add eggs and sugar to jug. Mix 3 min, speed 4, scraping down sides of bowl if needed.

5.         Add flour and vanilla essence. Mix 30s, speed 6.
6.         Pour into greased and lined tray (mixture is fairly runny!).


7.          Sprinkle chocolate bits over the entire top.

8.         Bake in oven for approximately 20 minutes (or until mixture doesn’t ‘wobble’ hugely in the 
        centre of the tray).

9.         Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing from the tray.

10.    Dust with icing sugar and cut into squares or rectangles.

Note: Do not overcook! Remove from the oven when it looks slightly undercooked.

Double the quantity while you’re at it and share them with everyone you know  – this recipe works just as well with twice as much!

Let me know if you make some chocolate squares!

 While we're on the theme of chocolate, look at this delectable tea towel that my online friend Helen sent me!

And, speaking of tea towels, I can't wait to share some absolutely adorable tea towels that a very special friend gave me for my birthday (I was very spoilt!). If you love tea towels you'll need to sit down before you look at these beauties! 


  1. Chocolate and tea towels, 2 of my favourite things! Thanks for the recipes, I often make brownies or choccy biscuits.

  2. I'd sign up for football too, if I was assured of your chocolate taste sensation!! I love, love, love tea have certainly piqued my interest for the unveiling of your beauties!!

  3. Excellent, gotta try these on the holidays!! Love the chocolate tea towel ... are you tempted to snap off a bit each time you're drying dishes?!?!


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