Tuesday 30 July 2013

Busy...just not on the blog!

It has been busy, busy, busy at home, which means the blog has been very quiet! I have a gazillion posts that I have been meaning to 'get to', but for now I thought I'd share a few snippets of what has been going on in the sewing department.

If I am ever feeling like I need a bit of a lift (i.e. I'm a bit grumpy!) I try and sit down for a bit of sewing. I find that it has a soothing effect and allows me to think while I zoom those fabrics through the machine. It has the added bonus of the fabulous feeling creating something - usually for someone else. I love that feeling!

So last night I sat down to do a bit of this kind of sewing! This is the July block in the Modern Quilt Along and is called Megan's Star.

Modern Quilt Along - July - Megan's Star
I didn't quite manage to fussy cut the flower so that it was centred, but I did feel soothed and relaxed by the time I had finished it!

I used the same feature fabric as my June spool block.
I'll need to introduce more fabrics into the blocks that are yet to come, as these two are looking a bit too homogenous!

I sent off these two Bee blocks during the month of June - the fabric choice was anything that represented the person making them. My first block represents my mothering role, while the second represents the quilting palette that I am enjoying at the moment (though the block is the only thing I have actually made using it!!).
How cute are those children? And they're so cheerfully helping around the house. Just like my children!
I love the colour combination of blue, orange and grey!

And these two were July's bee blocks:

Oh, and I added a few more tea towels to my collection. You'll be pleased to know that these two have now been ironed (and we also purchased a new camera, so I will expect my photos to be a lot better from now on (otherwise I'm just a terrible photographer!)!)! What would I do without brackets and exclamation marks?!!
How could I not love this? I don't need to look any closer than the words 'mum' and 'hero'.!!
Tim travels to Kalgoorlie quite regularly, so I thought this was a great tea towel to add to the atmosphere of our kitchen! It doesn't matter that nobody else in our family has ever see Kalgoorlie does it?
So, if you sew, what are your favourite colours at the moment? If you quilt, do you think a string quilt made entirely from blue, green and purple would look okay?


  1. Beautiful blocks. I love the 'bee blocks'.

  2. I am kind of into orange. Yes, a string quilt made of only a select amount of colors would look great!

  3. Wonderful blocks, I always say this to you but I'll say it again, I love the fabrics you use! Great additions to your tea towel collection!!

  4. you have been busy xx I knw what you mean about a bit of mindless sewing helping to lighten the mood.. its amazing what you can work out/solve in your head while sewing x

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Given the amount of sewing you do, you must get grumpy a lot!!! (Hahahaha, I know that is NOT true!!)

    I adore Megan's Star - great job! Now, can I just say - your children ARE cheerful and helpful around the house!! Also, I knew we were friends for a reason!()!!)(!!)!

    My favourite colours are pink, green and orange ... wait til you see what I got at Textile Traders today .....

  7. I love your Megan's block and those fabric finds are awesome!!
    I personally am loving turquoise and red or pink together. or all 3. ;) I think that a string quilt would look great in those colors!

  8. Those blocks really cute, especially the kids cleaning. A great fabric find!

  9. I love the fabric you're using for the Modern Blocks QAL! That floral fabric is such beautiful colours!

  10. I know exactly what you mean about the soothing effect. I've recently changed my routine so that I make sure I sew a little before heading out the door each morning for work. Your bee blocks look fantastic!


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