Tuesday 19 March 2013

What's Wrong With This Starch?

Late one night I was ironing a number of different block components - fabric ready to be cut, 2.5" squares that needed squaring up, paper piecing sections and completed blocks - and noticed that my starch just wasn't doing its thing. It didn't matter how much starch I sprayed on, the fabric was no crisper. Feeling a little frustrated I stopped. It was then that I realized I was using this:
Just in case you aren't aware, a stain removal spray will not do the same thing as starch!!!

I had a chuckle (I provide myself with opportunities to laugh on a regular basis!), got the starch to finish my ironing and then went to bed.


  1. oh yes! been there, done that! and did you know that no matter how hard you press, how hot the iron..... a "NON IRON-ON" interfacing WILL NEVER stick!!! how many times have I pressed away "forever" to find nothing attached! and then the penny drops!

    at least your blocks will be stain free!

    1. Haha!! I was almost ready to purchase a new iron before discovering that I was using the wrong product!

  2. Hahaha, you are too funny ... I just ran out of starch and, not having bought any for years, was thinking, I didn't know it came in those bottles now!!

    1. I really like the starch in the spray pump bottle, though I couldn't find any at the supermarket I recently shopped at and ended up buying a can. When I use the aerosol spray starch the floor around the ironing table ends up very shiny and very slippery!

  3. I had to laugh ;-) My BFF (and my bridesmaid 31 years ago) had exactly the same experience! Newly married and couldn't understand why her husband's shirts never ironed nicely ;-)

  4. This was my laugh for the day! :) Thank you


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