Sunday 16 December 2012

Teacher Gift - Snowmen

We made these snowmen after seeing similar ones on Pinterest. We used black felt for the hat (hot glued on to the lid), eyes and buttons.

After accidentally gluing a piece of felt to my thumb I switched to paint pens for the nose and mouth! The mini marshmallows in the top jars (which are spice jars purchased at Kmart) should all be white, but I didn't pay enough attention to them when I was buying them, so ours are rainbow coloured! I used Cadbury Drinking Chocolate in the middle jars (a 400g container was enough to make four snowmen with enough left over for a couple of hot chocolates - yay!) and would recommend using a large funnel to fill the jars. The bottom jars contain wrapped Christmas mints - I recently found some at Red Dot (1kg for $5). I think mini candy canes would be lovely too.

The scarves are made from some scrap fleece that I had. Cut some strips and fringe the ends (or not!).
Edit: The scrap fleece scarves were way too short. I swapped them for some wire edged Christmas ribbon - with snowmen on - bought at Spotlight for $1.50.

One little tip - wash your jars out before you glue them together. Not after you glue them together like I did! Glue the jars together with super glue. A friend kindly started her snowmen before us and let us know that the hot glue gun just doesn't cut it.

These four gentlemen are off to school tomorrow!

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