Tuesday 18 September 2012

Stars and Log Cabin

Eli and I enjoy checking the letterbox each day. I think we each secretly hope that there will be something exciting in there for us. Unfortunately for Eli, exciting things don't often come for him in the mail (I send him something from me every so often to make up for it!) - I'm certain I didn't get any mail when I was two! I am always more than happy to share my exciting mail. And so, it was Eli who opened the envelope containing these two beautiful blocks from Helen. I love the interplay between the solid  blue and the prints. I really didn't use solids much until recently and am loving all the options they create. Through Helene's clever use of the solid fabric the same star pattern looks very different in each block.

Another block also arrived today (Eli was just as excited as I was) - a beautifully sewn Log Cabin from Vicki (my apologies for the poor photo - I couldn't wait for daylight!). The fabrics used are just delightful. I am so lucky!!

The joy and excitement was relived all over again when the three older children came home from school. Zoe in particular loves to see the blocks that arrive. It is quite wonderful to think that someone took the time to make something special just for us!


  1. WOW - great blocks Jeneta ;-)

    1. Cathy I thought of you when I saw Vicki's log cabin. Soooo many beautiful fabrics with gold on them!

  2. I love the first one. Especially how the blue with white dots fabric makes it look like a cross in the background. Very effective :-)


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