Well, I'm ready to get back into routine! This is the last day to declare my Finish Along list for the first quarter of the year so I'm scrambling a post together so as not to miss out.
I'm keeping it simple. Which hopefully means achievable.
So, this is it:
1. Grab bag. I cut out two and completed one for a friend. The second has been sitting next to my sewing machine waiting.
2. Star Wars Quilt. This quilt is going to appear on every list until it's done. I'm not going to say anything else. Just that this quilt is taking an embarrassingly long time to complete.
3. Twirly Wirly flimsy. I really need to turn this top into a quilt. The flimsy and backing fabric are all ready for basting.
4. Table tent. This is 99% finished. One window needs a border and then it's done!

5. Trip Around the World quilt. I am certain everyone is tired of seeing this one!
Well, I know this is not a terribly exciting post, but I am excited about the new year. I would like to finish these projects (and others) so that I can start some more!!
I have caught up on my bee block commitments and look forward to receiving some blocks in the mail this month (I am Queen Bee!).
I'll leave you with a Granny Square block and a Quatrefoil block.
Do you have any goals or hopes for 2016?