Saturday 14 November 2015

It's been so long!

 It's been so long since I have been here that I'd almost forgotten I had a blog!

I am teaching a glorious year 2 class full time and I absolutely love it. It is a bit tiring though. And I have a lot less time for everything else. But I love it!

I have managed to do a few bits and pieces, including these two bunting blocks that I have chosen as my bee block when my turn comes up.

I have kept up with my monthly bee blocks for others, but I haven't kept up with downloading photos of each of them. I'll have to save those for later.

Instead, how about a few photos of things that I made before I became super busy?

 This grab bag was not my favourite bag during construction, but I loved it once it was finished. I gifted it to friend and have another part way through construction for myself. The outer fabric is organic cotton and feels beautifully soft.

 I also made two of the one hour baskets that have been popular recently (well, a while ago, but I'm always slow to catch up!). The fabric was gifted to me by a friend, so one went to her and one lives with me.
 During the last school holidays we made some pretzels. They were easy to make and absolutely delicious!

This is the video tutorial we used. We plan to make them again.

 Oh look! I managed to upload a photo of one of the bee blocks I recently sent out!
So, what's been taking up your time recently?